Sunday, December 5, 2010

Putting First Things First.

Here I am.

Currently 2:38pm when starting this. Putting off a business law paper and art final.

Almost done with my first semester of college. It's going to be a stressful, intensive, bitter sweet next two weeks. This semester has been a culture shock, interesting, painful, and amazing. It has definetly been full of mixed emotions.

As I wrap up this semester, one thing comes to mind, and one thing only. That one thing is, if I've learned anything from this semester, something that I will hold on forever, it would be that my Papa God and family comes first.

That leads me into this next bit. If I've learned one thing from this semester, it would be that my Papa God and my family comes first. If I've got one thing to regret from this semester, it would be that I put other things before my Papa God and family. If I were to take this semester back to change it and do it all over again, I'd put my Papa God and my family before everything else in the world.

What do I mean by that? I mean my school, my internship, my relationship with any boy is not first priority. What do I mean by family? Of course I definetly mean my immediate family. But I also mean my church and Chi Alpha family.

My immediate family has been there since the day I was born. My church family has been there since October 31, 2000. And my Chi Alpha family has been there for me since October 5, 2010.

They've been the best immediate and extended family that anyone could ever ask for. So do I regret putting other stuff before my Papa God and family? Oh absolutely! Would I go back in time to change it? Maybe. Depending on what day you ask me.

So to my Papa God and my family, (immediate and extended) I love you all so so much! I wouldn't trade you for the world. Thanks for all that you do for me.
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