Sunday, January 9, 2011

Definetly a More Confident Guitar Player and Servant of God.

Tonight, I saw a year of hard work not only pay off, but used for God's glory. As a lot of you know, I am apart of the Souled Out Youth band in my church's youth group. I've been playing for a little over a year now. We've led worship in the main sanctuary before, but there was something different about tonight. Not only we thrown a curve ball earlier this afternoon telling us we were going to play tonight in the main sanctuary, but I do believe that we were ready for what seemed like the impossible. We've been pushed out of our comfort zones a lot in the past year. I do believe that I'm a more.confident guitar player now. God has and still using us to bless His people and I'm blessed with the honor to do so. As a band we've grown and bonded and I'm honored to grow more and jam with these incredible people in the year(s) to come.

To the Souled Out Youth worship band, here's to the.start to something a whole lot bigger. Our scheduled and random jam sessions keep me on my toes. I definitely love you all...
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