Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Small Solution.

I've noticed a lot recently that there's a lot of heartache and rejection in the world. I guess I've always knew it was there, but I never really thought about it until recently. Until something in my life and in my heart changed. I'm not led to share what that is yet, still sorting through a roller coaster ride of emotions at the moment.

I think the solution to all the heartache and rejection in the world is a lot more complicated than it's shown on the surface, but a few weeks ago, my pastor said it perfectly.

"I have the complete confidence in knowing that in the Father's arms, I will not be rejected or get my heart broken."

For the past week, as I stumbled across this interesting mountain that life just threw at me, I found myself needing to be in the arms of my Papa God. Crying into His chest persay. And He's the one who walked in, when it felt like the whole world walked out on me.

If I've learned anything from this interesting mountain already, it's that in the reality of it all, relying on an imperfect human being to always be there for you only results in heartache. Trying to hard to get an imperfect human beings love and attention only results in rejection. However, relying on our Papa God to always be there for you, leads to pure satisfaction and comfort and you don't have to try to hard to get our Papa God's love and attention because whether you want it or not, you've got it because He created you and longs to be with you.
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  1. Yay for intense writing, Halie ;)

  2. Yup, definietly! This is one of the reasons why I'm a journalism major.
