Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Moment of Complete Surrender...

How did you spend your MLK holiday weekend? With friends and/or family? Maybe you slept in or if you started school this week got ready for the spring semester. I spent my 3 day holiday weekend/last 4 days of my Christmas break with my Chi Alpha family. And I was going to do an entry about the whole weekend, but that'd take me until the end of the spring semester to type it all out. (Yes, that was this thing called a joke, you can let all the laughter out.)

However, I feel like I should share an experience I encountered on Sunday morning.

I was fighting a roller coaster ride full of emotions and the enemy filling my head with useless junk, like, "You obviously love your Chi Alpha family, who you've only known since the beginning of October and some for the last month, and some you just met, more than your church family, who you've known for ten years. You're here, not at your home church, you're such a failure." See? Useless junk.

I found myself playing with the jacket tag of someone who I consider a big sister and even a little bit of a mentor during worship. (Look to the right, she's running for Miss California, like the fan page suggest it to your friends, pretty please?) Anyway, they started playing the song, How He Loves and God started to show me what He was doing in my heart, as tears ran down my face, I surrendered my life again to God, I surrendered my semester to Him, and I felt these arms around me, but no one was hugging me. The moment I surrendered and ran back to the arms of my Papa God, was the moment the peace of God fell upon me.

The semester started yesterday and I'll be completely honest, it's already been stressful. I found myself stressing over a class today and then I was brought back to the surrender moment on Sunday morning, and surrendered my life, my situation, my semester to Him. The peace wad brought back to my fists grasp.

I know for college students, the semester has either it's been back in session since the third, started this week, or starts next week, I know it can be stressful, but in the midst of all of that, I encourage you to do what a friend of mine always tells me, spend time with the Lord, seek out His promises, and stay grounded in His word. One of my many goals this semester, I encourage you guys to join me, this includes stressed out high school students as well.

Psalm 71
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