Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm looking forward to an exciting, opportunity, and adventure filled 2011.

Dear God,
In 2010, You've watched me start and complete an internship, graduate from high school a year early, go on a missions trip to Hollywood, California, attend City on the Hill and figure out what a sinus headache is, start college, and complete a crazy, stressed out, took on way too much first semester of college. How I made it through alive and in one piece this year, I'll never know. Thank You for allowing me to experience what I experienced this year. I am most definitely a more stronger daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, best friend, friend, and musician now than when I was at midnight on January 1, 2010.

I'll admit there was a lot that I didn't want to go through, but You were always there to remind me that it would be an amazing outcome in the long run. Thanks for letting me have an internship with Housing Group Fund, graduate a whole year early, go on a missions trip to Hollywood, head back to City on the Hill to figure out that I need to relax and what a sinus headache, and experience what it's like to take on too much for a semester.

This year You changed me life so dramatically and I don't think I would have wanted it any other way. I'm looking forward to an exciting, opportunity and adventure filled 2011.

-Your Daughter

2010 was most definitely life changing! I've made more friends this year than any other year, I've grown closer to some of those friends that I've probably needed to grow closer to this year. I've grown stronger and made it through alive and in once piece. Here's to a whole new year of growth! Cannot wait to share it with you!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?" -Charlie Brown

First semester of college? Complete. Nothing beats days of no school, homework, or having to study. But something about this particular break brings me back to the reason why we have it. We have it because of Christmas. Which if you break it down Christ means well Jesus Christ and mas means more. So the season is really about More of Christ. I am going to quote a Relient K song here that has been stuck in my head all week, "I celebrate the day You were born to die, so that one day I would pray for You to save my life." The Bible always gets me a bit sentimental, but this particular story gets me sentimental more so than any other one. With God being our Heavenly Father that would make Jesus our Big Brother, so if you stop and think about it, our Big Brother left His place up in Heaven to come down and save our lives. That's an honor in itself.
In A Charlie Brown Christmas, one of Charlie Brown's lines was, "Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?" and Linus said it perfectly, he recited Luke 2:8-14:

"8 Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 14 “ Glory to God in the highest,  And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

I probably couldn't have said it any better myself. So as nice as the Christmas gifts, gatherings, food, music, and such are. They're not the reason why we celebrate Christmas. We celebrate it because the Son of God was brave and humble enough to come down to die for us so we can spend enternity with Him and that in itself is the best gift I've ever recieved. So this is what I am giving to Jesus this Christmas and it's already what I give Him on a day-to-day basis, my life because He did in fact save it.

Merry Christmas! Here's to the best Christmas ever until next year that is!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2010 in Review: A Year Full of Opportunities.

It's that time of the year! Freshly cut pines or artifical trees are in our living rooms. We've pulled out the beanies, hats, gloves, scarves, and winter jackets. Hot chocolate, tea, apple cider, and coffee are slipping down our throats. Christmas music is blasting through our stereos. Stores are filled with people buying gifts for loved ones and friends. College students are cramming for and taking finals. The end of the fall semester is in arm length distance. Despite the stress, this is truly the most wonderful time of the year. Putting all of the stress of preperations of the holidays and college students cramming for finals aside, if you go back to the reality of why we celebrate this season. To celebrate the One who was born to die, so that one day we could pray that He could save our lives. I am so greatful for that One who was born to die, so that one day in the privacy of my room at the age of 12, he could save my life. This year has been full of many opportunities. So as I await for my next class, I'll share with you this Year in Review.

When we entered into 2010, I was struggling to finish high school and there were many times where I didn't think I'd make it through. The big highlights of this year are: the internship with Housing Group Fund, Graduation day, going on my first missions trip to Hollywood, California, once again attending City on the Hill, and starting a new life at Sacramento City College.

The internship with Housing Group Fund. The night before I was presented with this internship, God and I were having a conversation. Well actually, I think I was doing most of the talking. I remember saying, "I just need You to be my Daddy. I don't even know after all this time and after screwing up so much if you can even hear me. But please, Daddy, I need You!" The night of this conversation was on April 26, 2010. The next day an opportunity to intern at Housing Group Fund was presented to me by my mom. I started April 28, 2010. Just in the past 7.5 months, I have learned so much. They have given me so much office experience and have watched me basically grow up from then until now. I've seen hope of home ownership put back on people's faces. I have seen tears of absolute joy roll down people's faces because Housing Group Fund gave them a second chance. It's a bitter sweet feeling having tomorrow (December 15th) be my last day as their intern. I shared a lot of my growing up memories with them. It has been such a complete honor being there intern.

Graduation day. It's such a blur to me now, it feels like it happened 7 years ago, but it was only 7 months. On May 21, 2010 - I recieved that high school diploma. The day consisted of a rehersal, getting my hair done, running last minute errands, getting ready, and graduation. I remember sitting up that ever so hot stage with 32 other people for an ever so long time feeling ever so invincible. The joke of the week in my house was we wouldn't cry when we got up on that stage to give me my diploma. We can definetly can say that it backfired, we most definetly cried because we knew how far I've come. It was a good day in our family.

Missions trip to Hollywood/City on the Hill 2010 - Since they're blog entries about this below, I'll summerize. Hollywood was eye-opening, life changing, and I do believe a chunk of my heart is still there. The people that I met, the people who I saw, my heart broke. Most definetly made me feel so greatful for what I have. City on the Hill 2010 definetly life changing. Taught me not to plan something out for 6 months and expect it all to fall into place. But God taught me how to lean on Him not only when things are bad, but when things are good. Going to God only when your life falls apart was definetly what I did a lot of this year. Then it brought me to a sinus headache that brought me to my knees and said, "Okay God, You are my Daddy. Come please, just come and save me once again." That experience taught me that you can only give so much before you are completely empty.

A brand new life at Sacramento City College. I have to be honest, City College is a whole new world. Most definetly not what I was expecting. I will admit, I did take on too much this semester, never again will I take over 13 units unless I absolutely have to and even then I'll fight it. But it felt like mid semester, everything fell into place. God opened a door for me. After two weeks of saying, "God, I love my youth group, but I need something more. I am most definetly tired of being called a high schooler, considering the fact that I worked so hard to get that title off of my belt." After two weeks of praying, God opened the door for Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship to walk into my life. I walked into my first Bible study on October 5th and was very hesitant on how I felt on the whole deal. However by the end of that first Bible study, I have never felt more like family in my life.

God has opened so many doors and opportunities for me since I graduated from high school and started college. Now as I am wrapping up my first semester of college, I am more prepared to take on the world, one step at a time. If you were to tell me this time last year or this time 6 months ago, or even on my graduation day that I would have grown this much, I don't think I'd believe you! In 2011, I am ready for more opportunities to come. Here's to passes all of our finals(aimed to my fellow college students readers); a great holiday season; and brand new year full of opportunities.

From me to you; Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Putting First Things First.

Here I am.

Currently 2:38pm when starting this. Putting off a business law paper and art final.

Almost done with my first semester of college. It's going to be a stressful, intensive, bitter sweet next two weeks. This semester has been a culture shock, interesting, painful, and amazing. It has definetly been full of mixed emotions.

As I wrap up this semester, one thing comes to mind, and one thing only. That one thing is, if I've learned anything from this semester, something that I will hold on forever, it would be that my Papa God and family comes first.

That leads me into this next bit. If I've learned one thing from this semester, it would be that my Papa God and my family comes first. If I've got one thing to regret from this semester, it would be that I put other things before my Papa God and family. If I were to take this semester back to change it and do it all over again, I'd put my Papa God and my family before everything else in the world.

What do I mean by that? I mean my school, my internship, my relationship with any boy is not first priority. What do I mean by family? Of course I definetly mean my immediate family. But I also mean my church and Chi Alpha family.

My immediate family has been there since the day I was born. My church family has been there since October 31, 2000. And my Chi Alpha family has been there for me since October 5, 2010.

They've been the best immediate and extended family that anyone could ever ask for. So do I regret putting other stuff before my Papa God and family? Oh absolutely! Would I go back in time to change it? Maybe. Depending on what day you ask me.

So to my Papa God and my family, (immediate and extended) I love you all so so much! I wouldn't trade you for the world. Thanks for all that you do for me.
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