Saturday, October 9, 2010

1 Universe, 9 Planets, 204 Countries, 809 Islands, 7 Seas, and I had the privilege to meet you. (A Happy Birthday Blog Entry.)

On June 14, 2010 at approximately 9:00am, I met a woman who would eventually be a huge part of my life. I walked into my internship and as I walked in with my mom, I saw this woman, she was talking with Dennis, one of the owners of the company, and I get the typical hello from Dennis as he yells across the office, "Hello intern!" Then as I walked into the office where Dennis and this woman was at and Dennis was saying how he heard that journalism is my major and I took a sip of my coffee and said, "Yup." He mentioned how he wanted me to start doing all the journalism stuff for the company and this whole time in the corner of my eye I saw this woman that I had no clue who she was, I mean I had somewhat of a clue of who she was, but she had no clue who I was. So after Dennis and my conversation died down, I properly introduced myself. I said, "Hi. My name is Halie and as you already know I'm the intern." "Yes, nice to meet you, my name is Kellie." (Psst, Kellie if you're reading this first of all I have a really good memory with meeting people.) In all honesty, I had way too much on my mind to actually get a real feeling of what to feel about her. Then they sent us on our first errand together. On June 16, we were putting out flyer's for a home buyer seminar and we brought my brother's best friend along with us. Mainly for my protection and it helped me get the job done faster. As we were on  30 minute car ride, as I guess we were trying to get to know each other, she made me laugh so hard that I couldn't remember the last time I laughed that hard. That's where this relationship started. I had left the next week for my missions trip to Hollywood, when I came back, sitting in the office was just not the same for me. They had me starting to go on every errand known to man with her. Sometimes I thought why am I here? Kellie is more than capable to do this on her own.

From July 20-25, I was gone at City on the Hill at William Jessup University. Coming back on my 18th birthday tired and not a happy camper. Kellie made sure that even though I was working that I had the best birthday ever in the office. From there, she's heard basically everyone of my boy problems and everyone of my problems in general. (Ehm. Mainly because she'd pry it out of me.) The one thing she pried out of me was that my relationship with God was struggling. It was after we got through all of the bull of my boy problems, we were sitting in her family room watching Wipeout, she had asked me how my relationship with God was going, and apparently the look was all over my face. From there, she brought me back to God in a way that I didn't think was possible. She basically preached at me until I understood that I need to salvage what's left of my relationship with God and fix it. She's been an encouragement to me and a mentor in many ways.

So why am I doing a blog post all about Kellie? Well today is her birthday and I wanted to do something special, this is my birthday gift to you Kellie. You've done so much in my life since June 14, 2010 at approx 9:00am. I love you so very much! Thanks for everything! Have an awesome, super spectacular, unforgettable, amazing birthday and year!!!

Just think, 1 Universe, 9 Planets, 204 Countries, 809 Islands, 7 Seas, and I had the privilege to meet you!!! I am so glad God brought us together!!

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