Monday, February 14, 2011

If you don't love the One who loved you before you even knew how love, is it really true love?

I refuse to be not original, so I am not going to say, Happy Valentines Day! I'm sorry, but I just don't have it in me. I personally think that this day was invented for Hallmark to make money. However, that's my personal opinion. Why do we need a day devoted to love, when we should be living a life of love? Okay maybe, just maybe, it's a little bit of bitterness, maybe I'm a bit too opinionated. But at the same time, please don't be stubborn and admit, I have a little bit of truth behind what I am saying. Yeah Jesus is the ultimate and most incredible Valentine, I'm not saying He's not. What I am saying is that this world take Valentine's day a little too seriously. Let me phrase this question: If you only by the love of your life, chocolate, flowers, etc on Valentines day and not any other day to surprise them, are you just going through the motions of love? My mom and stepdad surprise each other on pretty much a daily basis with gifts. My stepdad buys flowers for my mom 99.99% of the time he goes to Costco. Not saying that your love for that special person is fake, if you do only buy them chocolate, flowers, and etc on this day. Here's what I am saying, the world sometimes takes love and basically sugar coats it to be less than it really is.

My prayer on a daily basis since the beginning of this chaotic second semester has this:

"Lord, let this be my prayer. That I live a life of love because You first loved me with this love that is so unconditional. That I live a life of kindness because You first were kind to me. That I live a life of patience because You are paitent with me even when I am undeserving. That I live a life of boldness to impact this world and bring them with me to Your kingdom. That I will live a life fully serving You. In Your Name I pray, Amen!"

Our Papa God first loved us before the foundations of the world, so maybe you're like me today, single. God is there to be your Valentine, this post was nothing saying that He wasn't. This post was supposed to be encouraging, sorry if it wasn't. I just am done with the sterotypical "holiday" when that is the only time that people show love truly. My only prayer is that maybe you can see my heart. I am not against Valentines day or love for another human being, whether it be romantically or just because. I am all for that, in God's timing. But let me conclude this post with this, if you don't love the One who loved you before you even knew how love, is it really true love?

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

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