Monday, July 25, 2011

One Year. One Continuous Roller Coaster Ride. Still Alive. Finally Loving Life. Here's to Another Successful Year.

So my birthday is tomorrow! Yay, I think? This past year has been one heck of a roller coaster ride of emotions. This time last year, I was in complete fear of starting college, now I'm in complete awe that I'm three semesters in and I'm only looking forward to boosting my GPA from where it's at now to an even higher GPA by the time I transfer. I'm blessed with the year I just lived - I wouldn't trade it for the world. The people I met are absolutely incredible. The way some people touched my life in the past year are absolutely amazing and inspiring. The situations that I've encountered, though some of them were extremely unpleasant, the good times over the past year override the with so much more joy.

There were many times over the last year where I thought it was my last day on Earth, yes I was THAT over dramatic. There were times where I just wanted the day to end because I knew a new day was on the horizon or my meeting with Christ was on that same horizon. Dramatic, I know.

It's interesting on how much life changes in just one year, you know like 365 days. It's refreshing to know that people love me enough to make a difference and an impact on my life. Those are the same people who encourage you to fight longer, strive harder, dream bigger, and chase those dreams longer. Those people know who they are, thank you! Thank you for enduring my first year of college plus summer school. Thank you for encouraging me when I needed it the most. Thank you for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself. Thank you for not giving up on me and walking out of my life when I deserved it the most. Thank you for directing me back to the Word of God when I was falling short. You&Me? Yeah, we've done a heck of a lot of growing in the past year.

As I sit here on my couch in my room, it's 10:48pm, July 25, 2011, with Boyce Avenue playing softly in the background, listening to my phone buzz because of Facebook alerts, and watching the start of the birthday comments on Facebook come in, I'm in awe that despite all of the situations that I've put some of you through this past year, you still love me. I'm blessed to say that you are those friends that love me through anything.

I don't know where this next year will take me, I can only imagine into a deeper depth than what I'm already in now. I know it'll be another year of changes, learning, and loving. Though my birthday now is just another day to me, nothing really special, because of all of your love and support it will be.

As this next year unfolds into play, I'm for the first time genuinely happy and at peace with where everything is going. Will there be times where I'm scared, intimidated, terrified, nervous, etc? You know it, but after a year like this past one I know I can do it.

Here's to another year of changes, learning, loving, and adventures.

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