Monday, May 9, 2011

What I've leaned. What I am taking away.

So as I wrap up yet another successful educating semester, I am reminded of what I've learned and what I am taking away from it.

Yes, I did learn a lot academic wise, but I am actually referring to what I learned outside of school and what I am taking away from that.

This semester started off with a launch from a Chi Alpha conference and I had that invincibility feeling of being able to conquer the world. This semester was much different than last. Easier, but not as easy as I would've liked it to be.

What I Have Learned:

I have learned a lot this semester about who I really am in Him and how much more growing up I need to do. I thought I had a lot of things figured out, but then I realized how ignorant I was. I began this semester thinking, "Here we go, another semester, let's get motivated to get four more C's." However, I was caught up short on the statement. I felt the Spirit of the Lord on the inside of me saying, "Don't you think you can do better than that?" I thought about it for a minute and then I realized that I could. So then I set out on a journey that I was going to conquer. As the semester went on, I managed to do just what I was trying to conquer. With all of this my personal devotion time has been intensified as well. I normally set just 30 minutes a day. 15 of it in worship with the following 15 in the Word in complete silence. I normally do this in the beginning of my day. To start it off right. However, it seems that my normal 30 minute devotions have turned into 90 minute devotions. Sometimes it will be 30 minutes in the morning and 60 minutes in the evening. And the 60 minutes in the evening have been the Lord showing me how who I am in Him and how I should see myself. Basically breakthrough. I've leaned that He is the only One who can truly understand me and everything that I go through.

What I Am Taking Away:

I have learned a lot, but I am taking away something extremely valuable. That my worth and value to Him is way more important than my worth and value to someone in this world. Instead of asking Him to forgive me 1,000 times, I'm going to thank Him 1,000 times for already forgiving me. He's my Daddy, my Papa, and the best One ever. I owe my life to Him because He gave a life for me. The life of His Son and with that I am eternally grateful.

"No matter what you go through, your value never changes with God." -Pastor Corrine Cardoza